
How to report a software bug?

You have found a software bug and no FAQ could solve it?

We take error reports very seriously. We usually solve any bug and provide an updated software version in a very short time.

You can help us find a solution quickly. If you send us the following information you will speed up the debugging process:

  • send us your exception log file
  • send us a screenshot of any error message
  • if possible send us details within the error message
  • describe how you could trigger the error
  • send error reports to email hidden; JavaScript is required

Where is my exception log?

You can look into your exception log in meteonorm as follows:
Menu Help -> Show error logs

This function will open the current log file. You can save it on your desktop and send it in your error report e-mail to us.

Alternatively, you can fetch the file directly on your drive.
