
Meteonorm Version 8

Author:Jan Remund, Stefan Müller, Michael Schmutz and Pascal Graf
Publiziert:EUPVSEC 2020, Online conference, Sept. 7-11th 2020
Download:5 BV 3 8 pvsec 2020 mn8

Validation of the Meteonorm Satellite irradiance dataset

Global irradiation is the main source for photovoltaic (PV) energy production. The knowledge of the
incoming solar short-wave irradiation is of major importance for the planning, monitoring and operation of solar
energy power plants and grid operations. In this paper we present a validation of the newly developed Meteonorm
Satellite Irradiation (MNSI) dataset for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Uncertainties of 12-25% relative RMSE for
hourly values has been found.

Author:Stefan C. Müller und Jan Remund
Publiziert:EUPVSEC 2018, Brussels, Belgium
Download:6 BV 1 4

Neue Aerosol-Datenbank

A globally calibrated aerosol optical depth gridded dataset for improved solar irradiance predictions

Author:Chris Gueymard
Publiziert:EGU General Assembly 2012
Download:Gueymard Calibrated World Aod Dataset Gra2012

Meteodaten für die Eigenverbrauchsberechnung

Die genaue Abschätzung des Eigenverbrauchs wird mit der sinkenden Marge bei der PV immer wichtiger. Der Eigenverbrauch hängt davon ab, wie viel von der vor Ort erzeugten Energie zum gleichen Zeitpunkt lokal verbraucht werden kann. Dies wiederum hängt einerseits von der Einstrahlung resp. der PV-Produktion und andererseits von der Last ab.

Author:Jan Remund
Publiziert:32. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, 8.-10.3.2017 Bad Staffelstein
Download:Langfassung 2017 Remund Eigenverbrauch

Modelle zur Erzeugung von Minutenwerten

Für die Simulation von PV-Anlagen werden Strahlungsdaten in Minutenauflösung mehr und mehr nachgefragt. Aus meteorologischer Sicht macht dies Sinn, da die Verteilung der Minuten- und Stundenwerte der Globalstrahlung sich stark unterscheiden. Aus technischer Optik ist dies sinnvoll, da die Photovoltaik-Produktion der Strahlung sehr präzise folgt. Minutenwerte sind deshalb wichtig, um grosse Anlagen möglichst präzise zu planen, aber auch um Eigenverbrauch und Batteriespeicherung genauer abschätzen zu können.

Author:Jan Remund
Publiziert:Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, 8.-10.3.2017 Bad Staffelstein
Download:Langfassung 2017 Remund Minutenmodell

Generation of one minute data

New models and comparison

Author:Jan Remund
Publiziert:6th PV Performance and Monitoring Workshop in Freiburg, Germany (24-25 October, 2016)
Download:Generation Of One Minute Data Pvperf Workshop 2016

Accuracy of Meteonorm 7.1.6

The presentation held at the TueV modelling workshop 2015 in Cologne gives a detailed look at the data used, the model steps and uncertainties.

Author:Jan Remund
Download:Accuracy Of Meteonorm 7

Photovoltaic and Solar Forecasting: State of the Art

The field of solar and photovoltaic (PV) forecasting is rapidly evolving. The current report provides a snapshot of the state of the art of this dynamic research area, focusing on solar and PV forecasts for time horizons ranging from a few minutes to several days ahead. Diverse resources are used to generate solar and PV forecasts, ranging from measured weather and PV system data, to satellite and sky imagery observations of clouds and to numerical weather prediction (NWP) models which form the basis of modern weather forecasting.

Author:Sophie Pelland et al.
Publiziert:IEA PVPS Task 14, October 2013
Download:State Of The Art Report PVPS 2013

Recent Trends and Solar Radiation Outlook for the USA

Slide contents:

Analysis of historic and future trends
Two parameters:
- Global radiation (GHI)
- Direct normal radiation (DNI)
Two periods:
- Global radiation trends within USA of last 14 years
- Future scenarios of global radiation based on IPCC AR 4 (2007)

Author:R. Remund, D. Klauser
Publiziert:WREF 2012
Download:Wref 12 Solradtrend Usa

Das Passivhaus im Klimawandel: erwartete Änderungen der Heiz- und Kühllasten

Gebäude haben in Europa eine Lebensdauer von rund 50 bis 100 Jahren. In dieser Zeitspanne wird sich das Klima gemäss heutigem Wissen auf Grund des vom Menschen verursachten Klimawandels in Europa deutlich ändern. In dieser Untersuchung gehen wir der Frage nach, wie stark sich die klimatischen Bedingungen in verschiedenen Teilen von Europa in Zukunft ändern werden und was die Auswirkungen auf Passivhäuser sind.

Author:R. Remund, Günther Gantioler
Download:Pht 11 Passivhaus Klimawandel

Solar Radiation and Uncertainty Information of Meteonorm 7

The solar radiation database meteonorm is widely used for solar thermal, PV and building simulation in form of standalone software or included in the most common simulation software (such as PVSyst or Polysun).

This article shows the news concerning the solar radiation database as well as the uncertainty and trend information. Uncertainty of the yearly values of global and direct radiation as well as beam radiation will be given. Uncertainty is an important information for planners. Up to now this information has not been included in common solar radiation databases.

Author:J. Remund, S.C. Müller
Publiziert:PVSEC 2011
Download:Pvsec 11 Mn7 P

Comparison of Test Reference Years to Stochastically Generated Time Series

Two sources of weather information for building simulation, test reference years and stochastically generated data, are compared. Two aspects have been investigated: the calculation of design temperatures for heating and cooling loads as well as the influence of mountain shadows. It could be shown, that stochastically generated data combined with statistical corrections have the same uncertainty as design temperatures based on long term measurements. The influence of mountain shadows can’t be neglected. At approximately 20% of the area of the Switzerland, the influence during main heating period is so large, that the use of data of a single weather station (like TRY) can lead to significant errors in the simulation of buildings, which depend on active or passive solar gains.

Author:Jan Remund
Publiziert:IBPSA 2009
Download:Ibpsa 09 Comparison Try Mn

Analysis of Recent Trends of Global Radiation Ground Measurements

This analysis is focused on long time series of global radiation with a duration of at least 40 years within the period 1950–2009. This study therefore lies in between the analysis for worldwide (satellite) data with approx. 20 years of duration and those for some few sites with very long measurements. A total of 25 sites based on Global Energy Balance Archive (GEBA) were used, which were grouped to 10 regional clusters including 2–13 stations.

Author:Jan Remund
Publiziert:Final report IEA SHC Task 36, 2010
Download:Ieashc36 Report Trends Globalradiation

Aerosol Optical Depth and Linke Turbidity Climatology

Aerosol information is very important for differentfields of climatology like climate modelling or estimation of radiation based on satellite information.

New measurements of aerosols during the last decade make it possible to update the climatology. The aim of this work was to establish a climatology for simple clear sky models and global maps of Linke Turbidity TL and aerosol optical depth aod 550 nm (τ550) with a resolution of at least 1°.

Author:Jan Remund and Daniela Domeisen
Publiziert:Final report IEA SHC Task 36, 2010
Download:Ieashc36 Report Tl Aod Climatologies